本實驗室致力於各種支援群組合作之電腦系統的設計及發展等研究,特別是針對支援群組學習之各種先進工具及技術的設計和整合,及此等工具、技術及設計對人類學習活動的影響,也就是說,我們將研究的焦點從「一般的使用者」轉移至「學生」或「教師」身上,站在以學生和教師為執行者、管理者或使用者的觀點,來探討電腦科技支援群組合作及學習的相關議題。內容包括:支援群組工作及學習之電腦系統的各種設計、研發、 應用、評估、方法及影響等等。

Computer supported collaborative Learning (CSCL):
Investigations on computer-based systems that have a team or group impact in educational place and other settings. A strong emphasis is the design, implementation, integration, and deployment of multiple computer-based tools and technologies, and the impact on the human learning activities supported by those tools and technologies. Relevant issues include computer supported collaborative work, group decision support, computer mediated communication/interaction, and virtual learning communities.

Focus Areas:
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Computer Supported Collaborative Concept Mapping
Group Decision Support
Computer Mediated Communication/Interaction
Virtual Communities